Tuesday, 25 November 2014


I'd literally just put Sarah to bed when I heard the door go. Her antisocial-to-say-the-least big sister slammed into the hallway, predictably drunk and more than likely dragging an equally intoxicated one night stand in behind her. I'd met more of them than I ever wanted to. It's also the only plausible reason why she'd be stumbling into the hallway so early.

I heard a new voice - wait, is that a girl?

I sighed quietly, looking down at the carpet inches below my face. One of Sarah's favorite cuddly toys was just out of reach, thrown deep under Kate's enormous bed during six pm "Toy Hide and Seek" play.

I need to get out of Kate's bedroom ASAP. She is a drunk college dropout spending every waking moment either drinking, fucking or complaining, and she'd be pissed that I even stepped into her palace. When I thought about what she'd soon be doing, I looked sorrowfully down at the bunny wabbit. Oh the things you're about to hear.

"I'll come back for you, Mrs. Snuggles, hold tight." I whispered, giving the little bunny a quick salute, before reverse-crawling slash shimmying my way out from under the enormous bed as fast as I could.

I had been able to get to Mrs.Snuggles twin brother out, at least. He was called Bob.

I was almost free when I felt a small tug under my left armpit. The fairy wings I was wearing - from five pm dress up - caught on the bed panel. I groaned. Wonderful.